Jun 26, 2011

How to spice up your Monday morning with Girl Hack

My parents used to always say to me 'What you do in the morning, makes the whole the day'. I find this particular advice the most constructive way to deal with your day and no day could be harder than a Monday. The one day that just seems to come faster than any other in the week, waking up and holding onto the hope that the week goes by fast enough for you to start enjoying your weekend again. But this is no way to live, having constant Monday-itis, can be really depressing and not really that helpful towards your self loving mantra. The trick is to make it the most exciting day of your week!

So to get the day flowing, here is a practical list of ideas on how to beat those Monday morning blues and create a new routine that will be leaving you refreshed and enjoying it like it was still Sunday.

x Outfit Planning: This is Key! How you set up your week on Sunday is essential to an easy flow for the week. Make sure you have your clothes planned out the night before, be it working or your social outfit. It makes that Monday morning rush to pick out the look of the day so much easier. You don't just have to do this on Sunday of course, you can do this every night. And if your feeling up to it, you could even pick out one night, where you plan your outfits for an entire week. Either way, I know many people who have forgotten to wash their uniform or their favorite pair of socks, and waking up on Monday realizing that factor can ruin the whole day. So be prepared in time for any outfit planning, it saves having that last minute rush around the house screaming "what do I wear!".

x Being organized: And for a follow on from outfit planning - Not being organized for a new week ahead can even be daunting and overwhelming! Another trick is to not let every day stuff get on top of you. Waking up to a cluttered house, clutters your mind, or not being able to have your favorite cereal because you ran out the day before and forgot to get some more. All these little factoids are essential to being the most organized. I like to write to-do lists. I walk from room to room in my house and look for stuff I know I need to get done as soon as possible as it will make my life so much easier to manage, and easier to deal with those day to day basics, if I get my to-do list out of the way first. Its all about prioritizing and what will put you at the most ease knowing you have accomplished it. Honestly crossing out something on my to-do list is such a good feeling!

x Develop a routine: If a to-do list isn't your thing. Routines might be more your style. If your unsure how to start a new routine and sticking to it, then it's time to get down with your creative self. I like to put up posters on my wall, my door or my mirror to remind me of what to do. You can be so creative with this, you can print out pictures or draw up something to remind you what to do next. You could have a personal organizer you take with you, which you can tick off on a daily basis. A calendar does the trick too!

x Monday Mantra: "Happy Monday" is my mantra. I say it to myself every time I have the urge that Im going to roll out of bed that morning. Again be as creative as you like with this. Maybe google some quotes, or you could use your favorite Thoughtful Thursday quote from Girl Hack. It will have you springing out of your bed like a Ninja!

x Upbeat music: Pick one song, that you know is the most uplifting and play it! Play it every time the day starts to feel like its getting a bit much, play it while your getting dressed in the morning, when you are eating breakfast, walking/driving to work, play this song as often as you please to keep you motivated and inspired! What ever you chose though absolutely avoid Monday themed songs like "I don't like Mondays" or "Manic Monday", as tempting as they may be.

x Sharing the love: If you've got Mondays pinned down now, share it! Tell everyone how much you love Mondays, not only is this re-affirming these thoughts in your head, but it helps to spread that positive vibe to everyone else. Another idea is you could make this your day that you text/e-mail your friends and family good morning. Everyone loves those kind of messages that makes you feel like someone is thinking of you, and there is no better time to do it! You might even get messages back with even more positive messages for you, sharing the good buzz is key!

x Today is the day: Monday is usually the day most people say to themselves - 'Today Im going to start a new diet', 'Im now going to start attending Gym', 'Im going to have the most productivity at work', ' Today Im going to study really hard for school'. If you have these kind of thoughts, and do tend to put stuff off until a Monday to start doing them - then Do it! There is nothing more empowering than telling yourself you are going to start achieving those types of goals and then accomplishing it, push yourself, use that will power, you can do it! Own Mondays and make them yours - usually the rest of the week will follow suit, making it easier every day to keep on track with that goal.

x A good nights sleep: Last of all, after a possibly hectic weekend, get in enough sleep to help you feel the most energized on Monday. Start the week off with a bang by having all the optimism for a new day that a good nights sleep can bring. Follow this up with an awesome breakfast!

Mondays dont have to be hard, they can really be the day you know you can really make a change in your life. If you have any Monday tips to share, post them in the comments box below. Looking forward to seeing your ideas!

Happy Monday Everyone!